Employee Experience Review for A Respectful Workplace

Occupational health and safety (OHS) legislation across Canada, both at the provincial and federal level, is putting more attention on the issue of workplace violence. The goal of this review is to gain insight on the employee experience with respect to incivility, bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and workplace violence.

The questions in this review will help you self-evaluate your level of psychological safety.

Self-advocating can predict a person’s competency and confidence to fulfill their duty to report what they observe and to self-advocate if they are a victim of respectful workplace violation. Self-advocacy is demonstrated by knowing one's rights and being able to speak up and stand up for them -- in this case, report. One helpful competency that supports self-advocating is resiliency.

Once you complete the review you will get a report showing your current resiliency level. You can use this to explore the link between resiliency and self-advocating. Resiliency is a trainable skill that starts with awareness and getting your own baseline.

The data collected in this review will be used to inform employers on what employees are experiencing in the workplace with respect to incivility, bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and workplace violence.

No personal identification data is being collected, so your identity is anonymous, and your individual results will be kept confidential. Your responses will be aggregated with those of others who participate in this review.

Thank you for participating; your voice matters!

Note: This is not a clinical measure or diagnostic tool; it is meant only to be a research tool.


  • Ensure you have a 10- to 12-minute window to complete this review in one sitting – quietly and with focus.

If you exit your browser or leave your computer for more than 60 minutes, your data will be lost, and you will need to start over.

  • Base your responses on how you have behaved, thought and felt over the past six months.
  • You must respond to all statements and questions within each section before proceeding to the next.
  • Be sure to click somewhere else on the page when responding to a question or statement with a dropdown list before using the scroll pad or button on your mouse. this will avoid inadvertently changing your response.
  • Once you complete the last section, you will be able to access your resiliency score.
  • To ensure your security and confidentiality, stay in one browser; and respond to all the items so you can get your report.
  • If you ever get an error code, clear your browser cookies and try again – or it may be that you are using Internet Explorer version 8. If so, update your Internet Explorer or use another browser/computer. If you have any technical issues, contact al@howatthr.com.

Consent to collect data
By completing this review you are giving your informed consent for the collection of the information in this tool. The results will remain confidential and your IP address will not be tracked.

Howatt HR © 2019